Saturday, February 5, 2011




It looks highly disgusting when we see the pollution of Ganga.


Nehruvians are responsible for making the Ganga polluted. They have maintain the poverty and deteriorated civic sense and culture of mass.

Nehruvian Congress and its allies have no priority for Ganga. They have no significance to improve the condition of Ganga.

Nehru and his all of his progenies had neglected the deterioration of Ganga


In 1984 Rajiv Gandhi had tried to clean Ganga with idiotic methods. He and his associates had avoided common sense while launching the project viz. Ganga Action Plan.

Why common sense was not used?

He and his associates had one motive. how to make money!!

What is the common sense that can be used to clean Ganga?

First of all one should under stand what is Ganga!!

Yes! What is Ganga?

Ganga is a big river.

What is river?

River that is a stream of water flows from mountains to ocean.

How a river can become dirty?

If one through residuals, dirt and garbage of Industries and society in a river at a large scale the river would become dirty and polluted.

Who do permits and or allow the industries and the society to pollute a river?

The monitoring authority i.e. elected members who monitor the functioning of the Government Officers. These government officers are responsible for the Pollution and Health.

Who are these Government officers?

They are all IAS and IPS officers who are in charge of Industrial department, Pollution Control, Health and municipalities.

Is there no provision under law for punishment as to who pollute a river?

There are adequate rules, even to send a person in jail who break the rules and regulations.

How much money is required to purify a river?

No extra money is required, but to establish rule of law.

How much money had been spent in a project if there had been some projects for Ganga?

There were many projects. One of the largest was sanctioned as Ganga Action Plan in 1985, of Rs. 9017100000/- i.e. Rupees Nine billion, one crore and seventy-one lakhs rupees.

What was the period of Ganga Action Plan Project?

15 years period was fixed for Ganga Action Plan Project.

What is the result of the project?

Project declared completed in 2000.Money spent totally. Ganga remained dirty as it was earlier.

What is a period during which a river can be cleaned and made pollution free?

One year period is enough to make a large river pollution free.

How a River like Ganga can be made pollution free in one year?

A river is called river because it flows. Ganga gets flood every year. That is a positive point.

The water of the river flows toward the ocean.

If throwing dead bodies, industrial waste and dirt are not allowed in the river the existing polluted water would go to ocean latest by the period of the annual flood, and the new water coming from catchment areas will replace the polluted water of the river. The river water will remain pure as no dirt or waste would be allowed to throw in it.

How to prevent the industrial waste in a river?

There is a Pollution Control Board and Environment Department. It has wide power.

Health Department has also wide power to take action against persons or organizations playing with the health of people.

Local body officers have adequate powers. They are responsible for not maintaining the cleanliness.

Monitoring authority viz. the elected members who make and run the government they should take the disciplinary actions against heads of offices. All of these officers should face the legal consequences due to their shirking from duties and or for having inefficiency.

How to prevent disposal of dead bodies in the river when it forms a part of religious rituals and also a tradition?

Traditions can be banned those create pollution or if banning them is a need of time.

The Government does impose prohibition under the period of shortages in food grains on the serving food at large scale.

E.g. when there is a food shortage in famine. In 1966 a “Koti-Chandi-Yajna” was also banned due to famine in Gujarat, to stop waste of food grains in Yajna. I.e. any ritual can be banned and stopped under a call of time.

Religious rituals can also be stopped on the ground of pollution and health.

To fire crackers on roads are also banned to avoid noise pollution.

Loud speakers after 11PM have also been banned.

What is the substitute to disposal of dead body in the river?

To provide crematoriums is the duty of local body of the government.

The government does provide crematoriums.

There is no provision under any law to dispose off dead body at any place at the will of relatives without government’s clearance. It is an offence to dispose of a dead body by any other non-permitted method.

A clearance from the local body authorities is mandatory to dispose off a dead body. The death certificate is also mandatory.

How to prevent unlawful disposal of dead body?

Put watchmen and CC Cameras. Do not issue death certificate to culprits. Put the culprit into jail for six months.

Make the necessary changes in the law to punish culprits heavily.

Ganga Action Plan, Ganga scam, Make money, Industrial waste, Dead bodies, Nehruvian’s integrity,

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