Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bharatkalyan97: Congress plans sleaze campaign against Modi - Madh...

It is the Nehruvian Congress culture to forge any thing and to go to any extent to gain power or to retain power.
People can recall following incidents.
First victim was Sardar Patel who was being called by bad name that he was reactionist and a stooge of capitalist. Fortunately Sardar Patel's reputation was far above JL Nehru, the mouth pieces of JL Nehru could not make big noise. Further Sardar Patel died in 1950, so Nehru had no any other enemy who can challenge him.

Soon after JL Nehru's blunders with China, he re-started his game of defaming his opponents. The stooges of JL Nehru victimize Morarji Desai on the fake charges upon his son Kanti Desai.
This was continued by his daughter also together by her stooges.

In 1969 Indira's stooges had printed handbills and circulated in Central Hall of the parliament against Sanjiv Raddi for defaming Sanjiv Reddi at the time of presidential election polling. These handbills contained fake information that Sanjiv Raddi was a debouch.

Nehruvian Congress had also fabricated a fake case against VP Singh that he had an illegal account in Saint Kit bank.

There are many other examples of Nehruvians that prove their dirty culture.

If Nehruvians under their rule can print forge currency notes and systematically get distributed through RBI and ATMs, If Nehruvians under their rule can print fake stamp papers and get distributed through their network, it is very easy for them to prepare fake tape of Narendra Modi. 

Bharatkalyan97: Congress plans sleaze campaign against Modi - Madh...: Congress plans sleaze campaign against Modi Operation No Namo plans to “blacken the personal image of Modi”, reduce the BJP to less tha...

Bharatkalyan97: Mamata snubs SoniaG. Ahmad Patel, get a new teleph...

It is funny of Mamata.
At the very first stage, she did not properly organise to support the candidature of APJ Kalam for prz election. She to show her negative approach, said, Kalam is not serious for his candidature.
Now she has decided to support the candidate of Nehruvian Congress.

This is the same Nehruvian Congress who had imposed emergency, killed democracy and put Jai Prakash Narayan to jail with so many others without any existence of offence, with a view to keep them all there, for indefinite period.
This was the same Jai Prakash Narayan on whose jeep hood Mamata had performed dance. For Mamata democratic values and morals are not important. Power politics and pseudo secularism for vote politics is far more important.

Bharatkalyan97: Mamata snubs SoniaG. Ahmad Patel, get a new teleph...: Mamata Banerjee snubs Sonia Gandhi, turns down dinner invite TNN | Jul 14, 2012, 05.05AM IST NEW DELHI/KOLKATA: Chief ministerMamata Ban...

Bharatkalyan97: Pranabda's scam Rs. 60,000 crores from Indian trea...

Nehruvians always have desired to have a puppet president, ignoring the eligibility has to be based that the President has to be Number One of India.

Nehru had opposed Radhakrishnan for second term. Indira had played dirty game to defeat her own party's candidate viz Sanjiv Reddi because he was not puppet.
Fakruddin Ali Ahmed had signed the Emergency ordinance from Bathroom,
Zail Sing was ready to broom.
None of the Nehruvians' nominated person for prz had integrity beyond doubt
Now read on Pranav Mukh..
Bharatkalyan97: Pranabda's scam Rs. 60,000 crores from Indian trea...: July 14, 2012. Statement of Dr. Subramanian Swamy,President of the Janata Party. Is Shri Pranab Mukherjee seeking to be India’s Preside...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Subramanian Swamy accuses Cong of belittling Mamata - Indian Express

Subramanian Swamy accuses Cong of belittling Mamata - Indian Express

Nitish Kumar and Sharad Yadav both are quite qualified to join Nehruvian Congress.
These both leaders have no principles. They have come to lime light during the agitation launched by Jai Prakash Narayan in 1974. Indira Gandhi imposed emergency and she killed all the human rights and constitutional rights of people of India. But since Indira Gandhi was a woman of ordinary calibre she was weak in administration and foresight. Emergency failed. She had to declare election under her own imposed censorship where the media had surrendered Indira.
But Jai Prakash was Mahatma Gandhian had excellent moral courage. He mobilized people. Now these two fellow and many others like Mamata, Laloo and Mulayam came to lime light under the leadership of Jai Prakash Narayan and Morarji Desai. Now you see, the party that had sent them (Sharad, Nitish, Laloo, Mulayam, etc ) to jail without prosecution and without existence of offence on their part,  they are supporting its candidate viz Pranav Mukharji who is a criminal culprit on the government record. Where is the principle?  

Thursday, May 31, 2012

BJP rebels up in arms against Narendra Modi

If the rule under the leadership of Narendra Modi is like emergency as stated by Keshu and its allies, then people must understand that though Keshubhai was quite a grown up fellow in 1975-1976, his sense was comparable with a baby with perambulator. Every body knows very well that during emergency natural rights and human rights were withdrawn, Indira had confessed that her government had failed in all respect, Indira had imposed total censorship and all her opponents were behind bar with no existence of any offence. Here the case and situation is quite opposite. In case of Narendra Modi, the success in developments is in every field, even then there is liberty to every one and media, and thereby all the media lavishly writes against Modi, Keshu and all anti-Modi-s abuse Modi continuously without material. In fact Keshu and his allies are lacking in sense of significance and sense of logic.
BJP rebels up in arms against Narendra Modi

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
It is needless to say that Nehruvians, Nehruvian Congress party leaders and their allies are like foxes of a story of Puncha Tantra, where all the Foxes had organised a meet and initiated thinking on the line as to how to kill Karpurtilaka (an elephant). They were planning that anyhow, he should be killed. Recall that story.
Here the foxes are failing every time, even though they take help from other Elephant (Keshubhai Patel, Suresh Mehta etc...) and all donkeys, monkeys, dogs, rats, ants, frogs, (i.e. leaders of other castes and media).


Monday, March 26, 2012

300 Ramayanas, one Rama - Indian Express

It is not a fault of Rama who walked on this earth in flesh and blood, if some people took him as a character of fiction or myth.

It is not a fault of Rama who walked on this earth if some people take him as a God.

There may be and there could be 300 or even more texts on life of Rama. So what do you mean by that?

How many books have been written on MK Gandhi? It may run in tens of thousands with different angles. They may contradict also. Does this make him non-entity? Why there should be any structure for him? Why Narendra Modi has constructed “Mahatma Mandir”?

How much it matters to a common mass? Why such questions are not raised?

This is simply because you have imported the historical beliefs from the people who were not born and brought up in India and wanted to divide India on fake theories of invasion. Even if you leave this aside, there is no tradition anywhere in the world to worship a fictitious character. But there is a practice to worship an entity which may be a human or natural (Entity) howsoever it may exists or existed.

Now suppose some people if carry a belief that MK Gandhi was God. Does this make MK Gandhi a non-entity? God is every where. So what? This applies to every religion. Why should this be applied exclusively to Rama only?

Style of presentation in literature differs time to time. India had its own style to narrate life of kings and great people. Ancient India had its own style to write history to make it interesting. It had added some miracles. Leave aside miracles.

Even to day media makes tigers of a dynasty progeny. It is up to the generations to identify the size of a dynastical progeny.

The great size of Rama has been identified and recognised.  Learned people must have the sense of honouring the values recognised under a long traditional belief by a culture which has re-produced or derived “Adwait”.    

300 Ramayanas, one Rama - Indian Express